Thursday, August 14, 2014

Classroom Sneaky Peek and A Classroom Ode Written in Two Minutes

Well, what can I say except I have the classroom of my dreams, and in my dreams, waves are in the sky.

I mean it! There are certain things I have always wanted to do with my room, but for lack of time, lack of Coca-Cola, fire codes (pesky things), and an overwhelming amount of other to-do’s, they just never got done, but I thought of them. 

This year’s classroom is intentionally a bit more matooor, as I felt like my fifth graders would probably appreciate a slightly more matooor looook, so that is what I was going for and I am pretty sure that involves polka dots in some way, right?

I settled early on a turquoise and orange theme, because you know that Frank Sinatra was right, “orange is the happiest color,” and then I just knew I  wanted “WAVES IN ALL THE PLACES!”  So I, of course, hung waves from the ceiling. 


I benefited from having a lot of time to work in my room, because I put my children at THE SPORTS CAMP (Whoo....) and my in-laws are Rock Stars (...there it is), and I love ‘em. Truth is, that as a creative and crazy person, I ENJOY putting my room together every year. It is fun for me because I can fiddle and fuss and get totally obsessive as I move things from here – to there – back to here – it’s crooked – to final resting place. It is not so fun for my kids. They are somehow uninterested in my large collection of borders and tape. Hmm. 

Thank you, Ryan Gosling cross stitch for just…being there. 

One of my favorite things I did for the room this year was this border treatment on my bulletin board that cost me 5 whole bucks at The Dollar Tree and about 120 individually placed staples.  I want to touch this border. Is that weird? Of course, it isn't.  It is also "Caution Orange, "for what I am sure will be "LOOK OUT! LEARNING!"

This surprisingly relieves stress. These are napkins I stapled for 20 minutes. It was better than yoga and took almost as much flexibility. No lie. 

I also made this little behavior chart as a take off of the Color Clip Chart systems I have seen to coincide with our school wide PBS policy. Listen, ya’ll. I didn’t want to make one more thing, so I duct taped some flip flops to a board and called it “awesome.” I actually love it. It makes me smile.  It took me no time, and now I have plenty of left feet to get me through the day should I blow out my own flip-flop while inspiring America's youth. #FloridaProblems.

I take a strange comfort in knowing all these colors exist in flip-flop.

My reading nook is my favorite, friends. I cannot take how much I want to read in it. The book shelves were a generous loan from the bestest handy man ever, the rug I got off my new teacher pal, and the baskets came in too small, but we made it work. I even snuck in a clock down low, because I like when students go, “Wha….” Going through my picture books as I unpacked was like having a great conversation with old pals. The feels.  I did another post on my five fav picture books on WaveMakerOne, so I won’t reiterate it here, but goodness. Feel free to imagine me with hot tea and a pillow, because I got comfortable, then realized I had a job to do, then I got another book. 

These are my books. These are my friends.

The major classroom set up is done, so now I go into “the labeling haze” where the smell of Sharpie is strong and the slightest mistake means I. Start. All. The.Way. Over, so prayers appreciated because cursive is hard, am I right?

I have to end with saying that I am absolutely stoked – surf speak - about the school I am teaching at this year. I have been moved by all of the great people I get to work with, and watching the school be repurposed and reimagined in this cool new way (story here) that just makes me say “Wow, you're right that is an airplane wing! Well, I'll be.” I have gone home every day totally exhausted, happy, inspired, and excited to return the next day. My own children are going to be there, and I am happy for them. 

I have seen the ah-mazing things going on as their classrooms are prepared and plans are being made. From me as a Momma, "Thank You," to my pals and colleagues for teaching my children. I am so, so excited for them, and I am so, so praying for you (wink). 

In all sincerity, I wish happy classroom setup to all my friends and colleagues out there working your glue guns and ironing your curtains. Yes, Ashley. I’m talking to you, girl.    

Please enjoy a classroom blessing from me to you written in the key of 7, as in I wrote it at 7 o'clock in exactly two minutes so you know it's going to be matoooore. 

                                                                  A Classroom Ode
Written in Two Minutes in the Key of 7

May your sticky tack stick for all the days you wish it to
And you actually remember that you should get your vaccine for flu

The days be shortened when too long, or lengthened by minutes few
When you have much left and still more to do

May no one that you know try to taste his or her glue - blech
The pencils be sharpened and numero 2

Your day be brightened by young smiles and skies of blue
May you actually fall asleep when the day is through

Ever more

Mrs. Walker

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